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Driving Success Through Shared Knowledge - E-Koleksi

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

30 True Things You Need to Know Now

1. If the map doesn't agree with the ground, the map is wrong. We are given mental maps as children. Our parents and other adults tell us what is right and what is wrong – sometimes they don't always get it, well, right. Now as adults, when we find the maps we have relied on for so long can get us lost, we need to recalibrate and create more reliable guides based on what we now know to be true and where we want to go.

2. We are what we do. We are not what we think, or what we feel, or what we say, we are what we do. Actions do indeed speak louder than words. If you are unhappy with a particular part of your life, take a strong look at what you are doing to be happier.

3. It is difficult to remove by logic an idea not placed there by logic in the first place. By nature, we are emotional creatures. Often we live and react based on feelings, not logic. Feelings are wonderful, but when we become tied to a particular thought or belief we tend to ignore the fact that change might be necessary. If a negative behavior is driven by an emotion, then we must find a way to still satisfy the emotional need while putting an end to the destructive behavior.

4. The statute of limitations has expired on most of our childhood traumas. For some, childhood was pleasant, almost idyllic. But for others, when there has been serious physical, sexual or emotional abuse it is important to recognize this and process this with a trained professional. No matter your past, change is the essence of life. In order to move forward in life we need to learn to live in the present.

5. Any relationship is under the control of the person who cares the least. When relationships end it is typically because of unmet expectations or one person is not feeling love or cherished by the other. For relationships to grow and last both members have to be equal with the love they give; and both should do it, not because they think they have to do it, but because they want to do it.

6. Feelings follow behavior. No matter how hard we try, we don't control what we think or what we feel. But, we do know which actions bring us happiness, pleasure and confidence. So, we do the actions that make us feel good. It is the action, the behavior that comes first. Take the next few days to notice how you feel after doing a particular behavior. If you like the feeling, do more of it. If not, change the behavior.

7. Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid. When we step out and claim what we want from the world a wonderful thing happens – the Universe responds.

8. The perfect is the enemy of the good. While it's important to have control over our lives, it can be counterproductive to attempt to control our lives. The energy spent trying to be perfect can keep us from enjoying and appreciating all the good things that exist right before us.

9. Life's two most important questions are "Why?" and "Why not?" The trick is knowing which one to ask. Understanding why we do certain things is the first step to change. Until we understand what motivates us, what we get from doing a particular behavior, there is no momentum to begin the change process. Likewise, by asking "Why not?" we begin assessing the risk versus reward aspect which can lead to bringing about productive change in our lives.

10. Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses. One of my biggest strengths as a person is I'm caring, sensitive and emotional – it is also my greatest weakness. While this strength helps me to build and maintain healthy relationships, it can also make me too reactive and less effective when dealing with conflict. This can create a confusing paradox for me from time-to-time, but having the awareness of the thin line between the two better prepares me to either use my strength or be mindful of my weakness.

11. The most secure prisons are those we construct for ourselves. What is your fear of change costing you? Too often what keeps us stuck is the belief we can't move forward. Our head-trash tells us we are not worthy to have our heart's desire. This fear; this incarceration, prevents us from breaking free and having the life we desire. Remember this: Before you can do anything, you must be able to imagine it. Imagining who and what you want to be, and then taking action, is the key to begin freeing yourself of what is holding you back.

12. The problems of the elderly are frequently serious but seldom interesting. The thought of our own mortality and demise can be a frightening one. Therefore, our attitude towards the aging can be callous because they are unwanted reminders of what's ahead for us. However, the elderly can hold great value and wisdom for us. We must remember to show respect and gratitude for those near the end so the cycle can be repeated when it is our turn.

13. Happiness is the ultimate risk. No matter how painful, sometimes what we know is more comfortable than what we don't know, even if we are depressed and miserable. Our misery can feel safe because it has been a part of us for so long. To seek happiness, to do things to break free of the depression, is a risk because we don't know what it looks like or feels like to be happy. The antidote for this is hope and faith.

14. True love is the apple of Eden. "When I look back, the Garden is a dream to me. It was beautiful, surpassingly beautiful, enchantingly beautiful; and now it is lost, and I shall never see it any more. The Garden is lost, but I have found him and am content. - from Mark Twain in Eve's Diary. True love is fair compensation for the obstacles and burdens of being human.

15. Only bad things happen quickly. When we think about the things that can change our lives in an instant we usually think of the negative ones first: accidents, our employer going out of business, or the news of a loved one becoming seriously ill. There is plenty of room; however, for good things to happen too, we just have to be more patient. Losing weight, improving a relationship, or creating a rewarding career all take effort, but the life-long satisfaction these bring can help to fill our souls when they are emptied-out by the bad.

16. Not all who wander are lost. When we were children we were told what to do. In our jobs, we are assigned tasks and projects. Our culture even has expectations of what we should do. It's OK to step outside of the lines in order to follow what your inner wisdom is suggesting you do with your life. It's not that you are lost when you wander, it's just the opposite: You know what you want and you are only attempting to find the best path to your destination.

17. Unrequited love is painful but not romantic. Love is meant to be shared. When you give your heart to someone who is uninterested, it will only result in loneliness and disappointment. Instead find someone who will share love with you. When you do, you will feel the real power of love.

18. There is nothing more pointless, or common, than doing the same things and expecting different results. This truth also provides a very good definition for insanity. When things are not working in your life, try different things. The rub comes when we become so comfortable with the familiar we refuse to try something new. To grow we must also embrace change. The question then becomes what level of fear you are willing to walk through in order to change, grow and create the life you want.

19. We flee from the truth in vain. Somewhere along the way there are truths about ourselves we never allow to see the light of day. Shame, guilt or embarrassment keeps these truths hidden and locked away. But remember, we cannot change or heal what we do not acknowledge.

20. It's a poor idea to lie to oneself. We may say the words, the words of a lie, but inside we know better; we know the truth. The most damaging lie we can tell ourselves involves making a promise. While good intentions are important, living the truth has far greater value in our life. Do what you say you are going to do, not just to improve the quality of your life, but to be able to live your life with confidence and self-respect.

21. We are all prone to the myth of the perfect stranger. Unless you are being victimized by your partner, chances are very good there are plenty of reasons to love your partner or spouse. It takes maturity, patience and trust to look across the fence and know your grass is greener.

22. Love is never lost, not even in death. To lose what means the most to us is the ultimate test of helplessness and survival. I have been very fortunate to not yet experience the death of a close relative. That day, however, will come. When it does, my hope is I can transfer all of the love I have for that person to others still with me. In that way, the love for the person lost will always be alive.

23. Nobody likes to be told what to do. As a parent it's easy for me to sometimes tell one of my children what to do instead of just listen and offer advice, if requested. My need to control can trump their need to be heard and grow on their own. When this happens, communication is strained and trust can be eroded. Rather than telling my children what to do, my job as a parent is to give them hope that they can be successful in a very uncertain world. This can be achieved by limiting my lectures and by giving them the time and space to "figure it out," while I'm standing by with a safety net.

24. The major advantage of illness is that it provides relief from responsibility. In an ironic twist, the days we feel under the weather can be some of the healthiest for us. We push, we rush and we often don't take time to take care of ourselves. But when we are feeling ill, we are forced to to slow down, perhaps call in sick at work, and take it easy.

25. We are afraid of the wrong things. For the first 18 years of my marriage I feared the wrong things. I feared not earning enough money or not advancing quickly enough in my career. I should have feared losing my wife and family instead, because I almost did. Now, I try to live in the present moment and appreciate all I have. When I do this, I stay centered with hope and not distracted by fear.

26. Parents have a limited ability to shape children's behavior, except for the worse. My wife and I often hope our greatest legacy to our children is to be able to break the cycle of pain and doubt we experienced as children. Our hope is our children will have the self-love and confidence needed to live a rich and full life. With that said, we are far from being perfect parents. But our focus is to help them be as happy as possible in a world that takes and demands so much of them.

27. The only real paradises are those we have lost. Too often we may view the past with a special fondness, perhaps reverence, too. But the past for most of us may be no different than the present, it just feels that way. To be honest, we may not always see the past for what it actually was. This view can be dangerous and it can keep us from living fully in the present, in the here and now.

28. Of all the forms of courage, the ability to laugh is the most profoundly therapeutic. Yes, things can go wrong in life. Yes, there are issues and problems to solve. But we have a choice. We can choose to become pessimistic and not see the value in what we experience, or we can choose to laugh as an admission to the fact we are not perfect and life can get the best of us at times. What a relief to know that no matter how bad things may look, a smile or a rift of laughter can begin to make the circumstances feel better.

29. Mental health requires freedom of choice. No matter how bleak or desperate a situation my appear to look, we always have choices. Even with the absence of answers or direction, we do have the power to choose what our next action is. We can choose to ask for help; we can choose to pray; we can choose to get up in the morning, get dressed and forge ahead. The ability to choose gives us power. We can use that power to begin removing the obstacles that confront us.

30. Forgiveness is a form of letting go, but they are not the same thing. To be clear, the purpose of forgiveness is not to let the person who harmed you off the hook, the purpose of forgiveness is to end the grief it has cost you. Don't just let go, forgive and truly surrender the feelings of anger and pain. This may seem difficult, almost impossible, until you attempt to do it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Money is not everything.

Money can buy a house
but not a home.

Money can buy a bed
but not sleep.

Money can buy a clock
but not time.

Money can buy a book
but not knowledge.

Money can buy food
but not an appetite.

Money can buy position
but not respect.

Money can buy blood
but not life.

Money can buy medicine
but not health.

Money can buy sex
but not love.

Money can buy insurance
but not safety.

Money can buy
but if i want to sell it..

Money can buy Oil
but we still need to pay.

You see, money is not everything.

Survival Kit

Bekalan menyelamat nyawa

Keselamatan di tempat kerja perlu bermula dengan ilmu tentang puncanya.

Credit to:

BOT keselamatan inilah yang digunakan pekerja pelantar untuk insiden seperti pelantar tumbang, terbakar dan sebagainya.

Anda berada di dalam bangunan 20 tingkat di tempat anda bekerja. Tiba-tiba anda terdengar siren amaran yang menandakan adanya kecemasan.

Beberapa saat kemudian anda melihat asap menyusup masuk melalui celah pintu dan mula menyelubungi ruang siling pejabat. Ini adalah Tanda Minit Kedua kebakaran.

Pada peringkat ini api sudah sampai ke siling dan kadar radiasi haba mencecah sehingga 400 darjah Celcius. Kesemua pintu keluar sudah tersekat dengan haba radiasi. Apa yang perlu atau tidak lakukan dalam keadaan sebegini?

"Dalam ujian lapangan yang dilakukan, kita dapat perhatikan kepulan asap memenuhi ruang atas sesebuah bilik terlebih dulu. Disebabkan itu, dalam keadaan seperti ini, pilihan yang ada ialah anda jangan panik dan merendahkan tubuh.

"Merangkaklah ke pintu keluar jika berupaya, walaupun peluang untuk selamat di peringkat ini adalah tipis," jelas Pengurus Besar Pusat Latihan Keselamatan Terengganu (TSTC) Sdn. Bhd., Mohd Rosni Salim.

SIMULASI helikopter melatih peserta untuk pantas bertindak dan tenang dalam keadaan panik.

Kebakaran di tempat kerja, menurut nota Basic Fire Fighting yang dikeluarkan TSTC, berpunca daripada sikap tidak mengikut arahan, penilaian diri yang rendah atau kerana tidak mengikut peraturan keselamatan kebakaran yang telah ditetapkan.

Bukan sekadar mengawasi kebakaran, sebaliknya pusat latihan ini akan membuka mata para pelatih sehingga ke akar umbi termasuklah membincangkan tentang sifat api yang bergantung kepada tiga faktor utama untuk berlaku, iaitu melalui Segi Tiga Api.

Dalam segi tiga berkenaan, tiga faktor utama yang terlibat ialah oksigen, haba dan bahan api. Pengeluaran salah satu daripada ketiga-tiga faktor ini akan melumpuhkan pembentukan api dan sekali gus menghentikan kebakaran.

Ini menjelaskan mengapa ada empat cara memadam api yang dipraktikkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Hakikatnya, perbezaan itu lahir kerana ketiga-tiga faktor tadi.

Satu lagi versi bot keselamatan yang dilengkapi sistem apungan berteknologi tinggi yang dibekalkan kepada pekerja pelantar.

Haba dapat dikeluarkan dengan menggunakan air, bahan api pula dikeluarkan sama ada dengan mengasingkannya, menghentikan bekalan atau membuangnya.

Manakala oksigen dapat dihalang daripada melengkapkan segi tiga berkenaan dengan menyeliputi kebakaran menggunakan penutup, selimut atau melemahkannya dengan mencairkannya.

Kesedaran keselamatan terhadap kebakaran hanyalah salah satu daripada 54 subjek keselamatan yang cuba diberi pendedahan oleh TSTC.

Antara lain subjek yang menyebabkan pusat latihan ini mendapat perhatian dunia ialah keupayaannya membekalkan latihan Helicopter Underwater Escape (HUET), orientasi keselamatan di kawasan perairan, asas survival keselamatan individu di laut, pasukan kawalan keselamatan dan banyak lagi.

Ia juga memenuhi keperluan syarikat yang menawarkan pekerjaan berisiko tinggi.

Mungkin kerana silibus pengajaran yang mendalam dan spesifik, TSTC berjaya menyenaraikan klien dari Nigeria, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Filipina, China, Afrika Barat dan Singapura.

Klien TSTC bermula daripada badan kerajaan seperti Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM), Jabatan Bomba dan Keselamatan Malaysia, Bank Negara hinggalah kepada badan gergasi termasuklah Petronas Cargali, ExxonMobil, dan Saudi International Petrochemical Company.

CARA terbaik menangani satu-satu kebakaran ialah melakukannya dari luar bangunan yang terbakar.

"Pekerja pelantar minyak terdedah kepada risiko keselamatan hampir pada setiap masa. Sama ada kerja mereka ialah mengorek bumi, menguji telaga minyak, melakukan kimpalan atau pemasangan wayar di dasar laut, dan sebagainya.

"Malah mereka mula terdedah kepada bahaya sebelum mereka sampai ke pelantar lagi."

Menaiki helikopter, menurut Rosni, adalah satu lagi senario yang sering mengundang kerisauan.

"Kes helikopter terhempas sudah banyak yang kita dengar berlaku di negara kita sendiri. Satu daripadanya ialah kes yang melibatkan helikopter Super Puma L2 yang dalam perjalanan ke pelantar minyak pada Januari 2007.

"Kalau pelantar itu di tengah laut, contohnya, latihan memindahkan pekerja dari bot ke pelantar perlu mengambil kira pergerakan ombak, kelajuan angin, perubahan cuaca dan ketinggian pelantar dari paras laut.

"Persediaan seperti jaket keselamatan dan sistem pernafasan kecemasan perlu dilakukan pada setiap sama.

"Di sana, angin monsun di negara kita adalah cuaca terbaik mereka," jelas Rosni yang menambah cuaca bukan dalam kawalan sesiapa.

Melawat tapak latihan yang seluas empat hektar di Kawasan Perindustrian Teluk Kalong, Kemaman, beberapa bangunan dilihat bertompok memenuhi landskap.

Blok pentadbiran dan pengajaran yang dilengkapi dengan kolam renang, platform untuk melompat, takal untuk menarik helikopter, simulator helikopter untuk HUET, kawasan latihan kebakaran yang ekstensif, kawasan latihan kemahiran keselamatan untuk perancah, dan operator takal.

Malah latihan kebakaran secara langsung meraih jolokan latihan simulator kebakaran terbaik di Asia Tenggara kerana ia dapat memberikan senario kebakaran yang paling hampir dengan realiti.

"Susah untuk memberi senario paling hampir dengan realiti bagi keadaan paling buruk yang mungkin berlaku kerana ia dipengaruhi banyak aspek yang berada di luar kawalan manusia," kata Mohd Rosni.

Pendek kata dengan kelahiran TSTC, kita tidak perlu lagi mencari pusat latihan yang dapat memberi persediaan yang cukup untuk menghantar rakyat negara ini bekerja dalam bidang yang selama ini seperti mustahil untuk diceburi.

Biarpun sesukar mana pekerjaan yang ditawarkan di seberang laut, dengan pusat latihan yang lengkap dan berteknologi tinggi, Malaysia dapat menyediakan tenaga untuk sebarang pekerjaan.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tips for Better Life from YOGA

  1. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.
  2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
  3. Sleep for 7 hours.
  4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
  5. Play more games.
  6. Read more books than you did in last year.
  7. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, and prayer. They provide us with daily fuel for our busy lives.
  8. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
  9. Dream more while you are awake.
  10. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
  11. Drink plenty of water.
  12. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
  13. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
  14. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
  15. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
  16. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
  17. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
  18. Smile and laugh more.
  19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
  20. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
  21. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
  22. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
  23. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about. Don't compare your partner with others.
  24. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
  25. Forgive everyone for everything.
  26. What other people think of you is none of your business.
  27. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
  28. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
  29. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
  30. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
  31. The best is yet to come.
  32. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
  33. Do the right thing!
  34. Call your family often.
  35. Your inner most is always happy. So be happy.
  36. Each day give something good to others.
  37. Don't over do. Keep your limits.

How to get traffic for your blog

This tips i take from Seth's Blog
  1. Use lists.
  2. Be topical... write posts that need to be read right now.
  3. Learn enough to become the expert in your field.
  4. Break news.
  5. Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
  6. Be among the first with a great blog on your topic, then encourage others to blog on the same topic.
  7. Share your expertise generously so people recognize it and depend on you.
  8. Announce news.
  9. Write short, pithy posts.
  10. Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list.
  11. Don't write about your cat, your boyfriend or your kids.
  12. Write long, definitive posts.
  13. Write about your kids.
  14. Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
  15. Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back.
  16. Include polls, meters and other eye candy.
  17. Tag your posts. Use
  18. Coin a term or two.
  19. Do email interviews with the well-known.
  20. Answer your email.
  21. Use photos. Salacious ones are best.
  22. Be anonymous.
  23. Encourage your readers to digg your posts. (and to use furl and reddit). Do it with every post.
  24. Post your photos on flickr.
  25. Encourage your readers to subscribe by RSS.
  26. Start at the beginning and take your readers through a months-long education.
  27. Include comments so your blog becomes a virtual water cooler that feeds itself.
  28. Assume that every day is the beginning, because you always have new readers.
  29. Highlight your best posts on your Squidoo lens.
  30. Point to useful but little-known resources.
  31. Write about stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0.
  32. Write about Google.
  33. Have relevant ads that are even better than your content.
  34. Don't include comments, people will cross post their responses.
  35. Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you.
  36. Run no ads.
  37. Keep tweaking your template to make it include every conceivable bell or whistle.
  38. Write about blogging.
  39. Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day.
  40. Invent a whole new kind of art or interaction.
  41. Post on weekdays, because there are more readers.
  42. Write about a never-ending parade of different topics so you don't bore your readers.
  43. Post on weekends, because there are fewer new posts.
  44. Don't interrupt your writing with a lot of links.
  45. Dress your blog (fonts and design) as well as you would dress yourself for a meeting with a stranger.
  46. Edit yourself. Ruthlessly.
  47. Don't promote yourself and your business or your books or your projects at the expense of the reader's attention.
  48. Be patient.
  49. Give credit to those that inspired, it makes your writing more useful.
  50. Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically.
  51. Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become definitive.
  52. Write in English.
  53. Better, write in Chinese.
  54. Write about obscure stuff that appeals to an obsessed minority.
  55. Don't be boring.
  56. Write stuff that people want to read and share.